Электронная почта
info@wmsauto.kzЭлектронная почта
info@wmsauto.kz+7 (7132) 948-858
ОБРАТНЫЙ ЗВОНОКHSE (Health, Safety and Environment)
HSE (Health Safety Enviroment)
There is Occupational health and safety management system ST RK ISO OHSAS 18001 implemented in Company.
Implementation of OHSAS compliant Management system gives the Company the number of advantages:
As well as Ecological management system ST RK ISO 14001 implemented in Company
Implementation of Ecological Management system ISO 14001 gives the Company the number of advantages:
West Motors Service LLP has a service Certificate on training and retraining of specialists in the field of industrial safety. There are equipped training rooms for courses on “Health and Safety”, “Industrial Safety” and “Basic of Fire Safety ” in each Company branch.